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Night Shift Recaps: Daily Recaps Archives | 2008 on NS
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the week of October 14, 2024
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Family Values

Epiphany and Toussaint flirted in the locker room and Toussaint gave Epiphany red roses in appreciation for their date. Later, when Claire noticed Epiphany admiring her flowers, she asked where the flowers came from. Epiphany tried saying they were from a patient, but Claire didn't believe it. Epiphany, unaware that Toussaint was listening, admitted the flowers came from a gentleman caller but the date had not gone well. Epiphany doubted she would see the man again.

Jagger brought Stone to the hospital for another session with Saira. The doctor tried to engage Stone and play with some trains. Instead, Jagger interfered and brought Stone back to the table to concentrate. Stone acted out and knocked over some blocks that were sitting there. Saira asked Stone to pick up while Jagger and Saira talked outside. Saira asked Jagger not to interfere with Saira and Stone's process. He needed to give it a chance.

Later, Jagger watched helplessly as Saira tried to get Stone to hold eye contact with her. She tried to lift his chin so their eyes would meet, but Stone threw himself on the floor and started screaming. Saira held him and comforted him as Jagger watched from the sidelines. When their session was over, Saira reminded Jagger that their process wouldn't be easy. Jagger couldn't figure out how he never realized Stone wasn't normal. Saira corrected him and said nothing was wrong with Stone. He was just on a different path.

With Stone asleep, Jagger ran into Robin after the session with Saira. Jagger admitted that Stone was autistic and he apologized for being harsh with her.

Two women were brought in via ambulance from a house fire. Although the General Hospital staff did their best, one woman, Cynthia, was in a permanent coma. The other woman, Alison, was her life partner. The doctors gave Kyle the task of telling Alison that her partner would never wake up. Later, Cynthia's parents were ushered into the room where Leo gave them the news. Leo asked if Cynthia had a living will and her parents admitted they hadn't talked to their daughter in years. When Alison came forward to express her opinion on Cynthia's wishes, the parents asked to have visitors limited to family. Leo was forced to follow their wishes and made Alison leave the hospital room. When Kyle later confronted his brother about the situation, Leo decided Kyle needed to be taken off the case.

Kyle took a break and vented to Claire while they stood next to the vending machines. Kyle explained his brother's reaction when Kyle revealed he was gay. Kyle felt he became invisible to Leo once he came out of the closet.

When Cynthia's parents made the decision to take their daughter off life support, Kyle gave the news to Alison. He offered to help her fight the decision, but Alison thought it was pointless. Same-sex partners had little in the way of rights, and Cynthia wouldn't want to be on life support. Alison did ask if Kyle could help get Cynthia's eggs. They had been undergoing fertility treatments to have a child together. When Kyle went to ask Cynthia's parents about removing some of their daughter's eggs, the father went ballistic. Leo came in and asked what the problem was and witnessed the father calling Kyle a homo. Leo stood up for his brother and threatened to throw Cynthia's father out of the hospital if he didn't change his behavior.

After the exchange, Kyle spoke with Patrick about allowing Alison to have some of Cynthia's eggs. Cynthia was an organ donor, and she had been coming to General Hospital for fertility treatments for the past six months. Patrick felt it was a gray area, and the hospital couldn't afford a lawsuit. He apologized, but told Kyle he would have to learn to separate his personal feelings from work. There was nothing further Patrick could do. Before he stormed off, Kyle said he could see himself in Alison's position one day. Patrick later had a change of heart. Cynthia's father threatens to sue as they watch Cynthia's body be wheeled away for the procedure. Later, Kyle arranged for Alison to have a moment alone with Cynthia to tell her goodbye. An eternally grateful Alison hugged Kyle and thanked him.

Saira tracked down Leo and told him she heard how he stood up to Cynthia's father on Kyle's behalf. Saira said she saw right through Leo and found his little act to be attractive. After Saira left, Kyle approached his brother and asked if Leo gave Cynthia's case to Kyle on purpose. Leo replied he just wanted the doctors to be the best they could be. Kyle thanked his older brother for standing up for him, and Leo said he wouldn't have stood by and watched Kyle get badgered.

Toussaint and Claire took a body to the morgue but no one was there to collect the body. Toussaint didn't want to leave the body unattended, but Claire was creeped out and ready to bolt. They heard coughing, but Toussaint told Claire not to worry. Bodies sometimes made noises as they released gas after death. Suddenly, the deceased man started talking. They brought the man back upstairs but left the sheet over him. Patrick started to tell Toussaint and Claire to take the body back to the morgue but stopped when he heard the dead man talking. Mr. Skinner, clearly alive, insisted he was dead. Patrick demanded blood work to check Mr. Skinner's drug content while Claire went to investigate how the man had been pronounced dead.

Later, Patrick lectured Mr. Skinner for sneaking into the morgue. Toussaint and Claire learned Mr. Skinner was in a band and felt more fun was to be had at the party on the "other side." Toussaint told the young man that dying young wouldn't make him a legend, but living life would.

Robert packed to leave the hospital while Robin watched. She tried to stop him from leaving by telling him he only had a 10% chance of survival. Robert needed surgery and treatment for several months before he would be out of the woods. Robert promised he would be back, or that he would be treated at another facility. Robin threatened to have her father committed if he left. Robert warned her not to threaten him. He would be long gone by the time she could get him committed. A furious Robin told her father she would see him at his funeral and stormed off. Robert doubled over in pain, and Epiphany quickly came to his aid. Back in his hospital room, Robert asked Epiphany when children started treating their parents the way Robin had. Epiphany said they always had treated parents that way, but Robin loved her father. Epiphany said she would do anything to have her son yell at her again. She told Robert about Stan passing away.

Robin walked into a break room and confessed to Patrick about her argument with her father. Patrick calmed her down and they kissed. Later, Robin checked in on her father and was happy to see he was staying at the hospital.

At the end of their shift, Epiphany invited Toussaint to Kelly's for breakfast. He said he was too old to play games and revealed he had overheard her conversation earlier with Claire. Epiphany tried to explain, but Toussaint said when someone lied about the truth, they were ashamed of it. Toussaint left Epiphany standing in shock.



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